by: Cool Sports Guy

Nicola Hopewell planned to step into the ring on November 21st. This would have been her third professional boxing match. Those plans never came to fruition, brought upon by outside circumstance. Of course, she is not one to let these things deter her from her dreams. It’s on to her next challenge and Nicola remains focused and the future looks bright for this up and comer.
She started her journey in 2014 walking into a local boxing gym. “I wanted to get fit so I went to a fitness class at a local boxing gym.” That was the beginning of her journey in the world of boxing. “From the fitness session I then started attending a boxing class where I started learning the skills for boxing.” Being in that class ignited something that led her to where she is today. “I eventually started sparring and wanted to compete.”
She trains at Boyle’s Pro Boxing in Worksop, and her journey from amateur has changed as she has entered into pro fighter life. Her training has increased, and has a lot more focus on different aspects of the sport. You’ll find her using each moment of the day as an opportunity to better herself. She does a running session each day before, during lunch or after work (She works a full time job too), and boxing skills workouts six out of seven days. With one day to rest, she gets in there and does it all over again. She trains with a smaller crew now than when she was amateur as they help prepare her for the fight at hand. Though the training may be different in way, the goal is very much the same, victory inside the ring.

She likes training at Boyle’s. “I’m quite laid back and like to have fun. The gym is also a place for amateurs to train and I feel like I am someone the next generation of boxers can look up to” Even though you’re in the ring by yourself, there are people around you that help you to get there. She has that here. A place where she can grow. “The support network and if you work together as a team you can reach your goals”
How does one do this? What keeps someone going through such a rigorous schedule? It’s all about finding a balance, she works hard and with a strong group of people around her is able to find the best of both worlds. “It’s hard, but I manage. I’m luck to have a good support network of family and friends around me.” She makes the most of each moment that she has available throughout the week “I make the most of my free time on the weekends. Social media is a great way of managing the balance with my family and friends after a long week of training.
Women in boxing are making huge strides in the sport. What advice would she have for someone that is wanting to follow in her steps? “Give it your all and don’t let anything stop you from achieving your dreams.” In the current landscape of the sport world, where events are being cancelled regularly it’s a challenge just to train. After her fight cancellation on November 21st Nicola has felt the impact of these series of events. “I am not sure when the next event will be but I am hoping it won’t be too long as I have already done a full camp. It has been frustrating and challenging when events get cancelled after so much effort in camp. When it comes to training I have quite a bit of equipment home, so I’m not stuck and can keep ticking over.”
For now, Nicola will wait for her moment to display her hard work. She keeps training and is hopeful for a fight on the horizon. When that moment comes, she’ll be ready.
Shout outs and Appreciation from Nicola:
The Lock Gym Worksop
I’d also like to give a shout out to Sportanarium radio. Lakey has given me the opportunity to do interviews on the radio, take part in charity events and also helped me with other interviews. He’s always there if I need help or advise. I’d also like to give a shout out to my family and friends for being so supportive.
For updates on upcoming fights and her progress in the world of boxing you can follow Nicola on:
Twitter: @boxerhopewell
Instagram: @boxerhopewell
Facebook: Nicola “Hurricane” Hopewell